Cancellation and Returns Policy

11. Cancellation and Returns
(a) The Customer may terminate this Contract by giving written notice to the Supplier at any time prior to the Supplier’s carriers leaving the Supplier’s premises to fulfil your Order (provided that the Supplier’s delivery costs have not already been incurred) and that the Supplier may charge you for the Goods held to fulfil your Order or which we are committed to acquire or hold to supply to you under the Contract and for such costs of cancellation, subject to the Supplier using its reasonable endeavours to mitigate its loss.
(b) Unfortunately, once our Goods are mixed with fuel in your tank, you cannot cancel the Contract.
(c) We will accept the return of Goods from you provided that you pay our reasonable costs incurred in receiving and checking the Goods (save where the Goods are defective) and the Goods are as fit for sale on their return as they were on delivery.

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